TARANIS® Theatre is ESG’s solution for higher command levels. It is intended for use both in stationary command posts in the homeland as well as in mobile command posts in operation areas, and ensures a seamless connection to command levels in NATO and allied forces.
TARANIS® Theatre offers access to a variety of information sources through a web portal. The modular structure allows easy integration of COTS (Commercial-Off-The-Shelf), MOTS (Military-Off-The-Shelf) and NOTS (NATO-Off-The-Shelf) solutions, thus
making it possible to continue to use existing solutions cost-effectively on a modern infrastructure.
The web-based approach of TARANIS® Theatre is highly flexible, allowing command post workstations to be centrally configured and activated, with only thin clients required as hardware.
Any available service can be accessed via the web portal in separate browser windows or combined into a single view comprising multiple functionalities.
For example, in addition to a map / situation application, the user can also view an RSS field (e.g. JOC Watch).
Examples of supported services are chats, document management, reporting, access to logistics functions such as LogFAS and SASPF.
TARANIS® Theatre is fully compatible with the TARANIS® Soldier and TARANIS® Battlefield solutions.
For connecting to other command and control systems, TARANIS® Theatre offers an Information Mediation Service (IMS) module for parallel use of the Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) Baseline (BL) 2, MIP BL 3.1, NATO Vector Graphics (NVG) and Alternate Development and Exchange Method (ADEM) standards.
The IMS module makes it possible, for the first time ever, to simultaneously connect to multiple command and control systems of other nations and organisations using the above standards, thus ensuring seamless information exchange.