NOCTUA is a marine gyro-stabilised optronic head, dedicated to surveillance and sea rescue for patrol boat.
NOCTUA is equipped with both high resolution "day" camera and thermal 3-5µm camera for night observation (3-5µm : wavelength of choice for long ranges in marine conditions).
Inside the NOCTUA head, a powerful integrated computer allows automatic detection and video tracking.
With a high performance search light and the automatic video tracking, NOCTUA brings a real dissuasive effect -for surveillance application-, or a reassuring effect – for rescue application, to help boat patrol in its mission : once detected, the objective is automatically tracked and illuminated by the search light.
Unlike many systems that requires the boat commander to drive while watching a screen, NOCTUA allows a direct view of the objective through the window.
This head is specially adapted to very fast patrol boat.
In an interoperability mode with a radar, the smart rallying to the target is particularly efficient, thanks to the speed of rotation and the gyro-stabilization.
Key technical specifications:
- Thermal camera optical zoom : 1.4°- 22°
- CMOS 24Mpixels camera : FOV : 0.8 – 8°
- High performance search light : 12M cd ( 3 km range ); zoom beam : 0,5° – 20°
Gyro-stabilized pan & tilt:
- Rotary slip ring
- Tilt -90°, +40°
- speed 100°/s
- Acceleration 90°/s²
- Pointing accuracy 0.01°
- small boats: D/R/I = 7.1 / 3.3 / 1.7nm
- Helicopters: D/R/I = 9.1 / 4.2 / 2.3nm
- Vessels : D/R/I = 19 / 16.7 / 13.2nm
- Automatic detection : three pixels