ND-IM005 Standard Wi-Fi Interception System is specifically designed for police operations and detecting information leaks in office environments, government agencies, and other locations with Wi-Fi access. The system is composed of two main modules:
- Cracking Module (Penetrator)
- Interception Module (Interceptor)
The system can function in both Passive (monitoring) and Active modes. In Passive mode, the operator can monitor all network users within the system’s range, including active, connected, and inactive devices. It also allows the operator to build a database of MAC addresses, signal strengths, and all user access points.
The system can also be configured as a Wi-Fi Jammer or Wi-Fi Jamming Device to safeguard network privacy and security. By transmitting radio frequency signals, it blocks specified Wi-Fi connections, helping to maintain confidentiality or minimize distractions in the workplace. Unauthorized laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices can be effectively blocked by this device. Moreover, the Wi-Fi Jammer plays a crucial role in preventing hacking, data leaks, and network breaches, while restricting unauthorised access to sensitive information.
- Scans for Wi-Fi stations and access points
- Captures WLAN traffic of 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n protocols
- Allows specification of WEP or WPA/WPA2 keys to decrypt encrypted data
- Displays detailed statistics per node and per channel
- Provides comprehensive IP connection statistics, including IP addresses, ports, and sessions
- Reconstructs TCP sessions