Image processing is a technology containing a wide range of applications, which could be target tracking by object recognition from a high-definition camera on a surveillance vehicle. The products that provide image processing are just as diverse as the applications which require it.
From varying FPGA technology for image acquisition or image processing, to high-performance Intel processors to general purpose graphics processors (GPGPUs), Curtiss-Wright has solutions to fit.
Depending on the complexity of the application, image processors can require significant processing power and this can prove to be a challenge to deploy in the rugged environment of military vehicles. Curtiss-Wright has taken on this challenge and provided solutions ranging from 1,000W to 3,000W for several different deployed applications.
Through the use of air-flow through technology, Curtiss-Wright has been able to cool as much as 200W in a single card slot, while not requiring any exotic cooling infrastructure from the vehicle. So regardless of the processing needs, Curtiss-Wright has a solution.
With more and more data available to the drivers of our military vehicles, the need to display this data concisely and quickly grows every day. As resolution of displays increases, the ability to display more and more data clearly on a single screen also increases. This data might be external camera imaging, vehicle information, targeting information or guidance information.
Curtiss-Wright provided display processors to a number of different applications and our latest products supply innovative solutions for these types of applications.
With the ability to provide graphics outputs to drive as many as four high definition displays in a single card, the latest in processor technology, and a wide range of I/O capability, Curtiss-Wright continues to offer the very best solutions for the industry’s display processing needs.