FuCare’s blast valves have been specially designed for use in applications where protection from extremely high overpressure and dual side protection are required. The cutting-edge design of the valves ensure a high impulse block rate against blast waves, making it one of the best safety solutions on the market.
High performance of blast resistance and impulse block rate
Innovative tortoiseshell design to ensure high performance of blast resistance against blast waves with peak pressure more than 13 bar peak pressure reflected by long duration and multiple blast impacts and maintain all functions after blasts.
Being able to completely close within 4ms under two bar peak pressure reflected, which assures the approximate 100% impulse block rate.
Being able to retrieve ventilation function automatically after the blasts.
Double acting
Being able to provide protection from both positive pressure and negative pressure.
Excellent corrosion resistance
The blast valves are made from chemical-resistant materials, meaning they can be used long-term with minimal maintenance.
FuCare’s blast valves are suitable for use in applications including OGP, chemical, and nuclear power.