Shoghi offers customized solutions for Border Surveillance combining information capture technologies, data processing, and transfer covering the entire life cycle of the projects.
Our systems protect more than 12000 km of land and sea borders in several countries across various continents. We have developed expertise in the field of border surveillance, including sensors, transmission modes, software tools, multi-sensor optical solutions, and smart data processing tools.
Our products offer the highest level of protection for populations, neutralization of terrorist risks as well as containment of trafficking and illegal activities. Our solutions provide short to long-range intrusion detection, classification, and tracking for various requirements.
(A) Electro-optic Systems
The electro-optic systems enable surveillance during any time of the day or night through a combination of thermal and optical cameras fitted onto a rugged pan-tilt unit that can be installed on static or vehicular platforms. Capable of being integrated with various networks, the high-quality video output producing systems with 360-degree movement capability can be monitored and controlled from centralized locations.
(B) Portable Ground Surveillance Radars (SCL-PGSR)
This portable device, which can be easily carried by two-person teams or fitted onto vehicles, is a valuable solution for surveillance of human intrusion or vehicular movement across various terrains at any time of day or night. The long-range radar is designed to withstand harsh environmental conditions and can be controlled by a remote operator. Additionally, integration option with sensors like electro-optic cameras further enhances the surveillance capabilities of the customers, allowing for early detection of unwanted movement.