MD Helicopters (MDH) has been awarded a contract by the Nigerian Army to produce and deliver a total of 12 Cayuse Warrior Plus helicopters.
The new scout/attack helicopters will help Nigerian soldiers in carrying out counter terrorism operations and insurgency missions.
It will also be deployed for regional security, tactical reconnaissance, and convoy escort operations in Nigeria.
Along with 12 helicopters, MDH is also required to deliver integrated logistics support services, as well as associated Flight Training Device, spare parts, and pilot and maintainer training support.
In order to fulfil the new contract, the company is planning to boost and restructure its production line and increase its number of employees to over 120.
MDH CEO and president Brad Pedersen said: “We are grateful for the trust of the Nigerian Government, and are pleased to showcase our purpose-built, light attack aircraft solution to Nigeria and the world.
“MD Helicopters has streamlined our production processes to directly address current and planned increase of aircraft orders.”
The Cayuse Warrior Plus features mission improvements such as greater power performance, enhanced sensors, weapons system, avionics, and armour. It is based on the MD 530F Cayuse Warrior aircraft.
The tactical scout and light attack helicopter has already proven its combat capabilities and offers safety, agility, and speed to the user.
MD Helicopters did not provide details about the contract value or the delivery timeline.