Information Superiority – The Key to Intelligent Military Decision Support
By Ocean Software
You can have the most cutting-edge military hardware available, but if your operations management software is outdated you could be severely compromising your efforts. On the flip side, modern systems can generate an abundance of data, but obtaining any insight from that all of that information can take days and weeks to mine, analyse and present.
In today’s environment, this is simply too slow. The ideal then is to provide decision-makers with up to the minute data and insight in a format that is easy to comprehend so that they can make optimal decisions at speed.
A comprehensive Decision Support System (DSS)
allows you to harness the petabytes of data flowing through your organisation, rather than simply reacting, or delaying decisions. With a well designed DSS there is never an overload of unfiltered information - just the specific facts and reporting required to optimise operational efficiency and safety across the entire organisation.
In this document we’ll explore some of the features of Decision Support Systems and how they are set to transform base operations in the coming years.