NITRO-CHEM Company Brochure
Over 70-year-long experience in production of explosives and ammunition gives us the wide knowledge of their production technology and about the needs of the defence and commercial markets. We have in our disposal proved, efficient, continuously upgraded production facilities, which rely on the best available technological solutions. Therefore our products represent the highest quality acc. to many international standards i.a. MIL, STANAG and TL. We can offer a wide range of explosives, including virgin TNT, Hexogen (RDX) and Octogen (HMX), as well as variety of explosive compositions e.g. Comp. B, Comp A3, A4, A5, TNH, Tritonal, Octol or Ocfol. Their military applications can be different - filling of shells or warheads of artillery, tank, rocket and mortal ammunition mines, aerial bombs and other charges. For more information, please download this free white paper.