PR Tactical Corporation has introduced a new capability to its line of training munitions; the waterproof mini blast. Its ability to create underwater explosions adds authenticity to a new range of training experiences including port security, anti-pirating operations, river crossings, amphibious landings and fastboat patrolling.
"Realistic battlescene effects are a big part of any successful battlefield training package," said PRTC President Perry Sable, announcing this important addition to their training arsenal.
"The PR-Pyro Mini Blast is a costeffective and safe way to add dynamic effects to any wet training situation. We are confident that this small 1in x 2in IED simulator will provide enhanced capabilities to military and law enforcement units looking for more realistic training scenarios."
The electric match firing system delivers a reliable, safe blast in inclement weather and underwater. The sharp report is a consistent 130-140 dB, with a safe standoff distance of 5 meters. The Mini Blast deflagrates completely (leaving no residue) and it is safe to combine two, three or more for larger effects when desired.
Perception is reality. Our munitions and equipment create the sights, sounds, smells and concussive effects soldiers will encounter in real combat scenarios. These assaults on the senses help kick in the adrenaline, heighten the level of awareness, and immerse the soldier in an almost-real battlescene environment. Train like you fight. PR Tactical Corporation was established in 2006 to provide realistic, safe, and affordable training munitions and equipment for military and law enforcement units. Realistic training stress-inoculates warriors against the disorienting effects of explosions and battlefield chaos.
PR Tactical Corporation assists military training for terrorist threats overseas, and helps prepare local, state, and federal law enforcement for the increasing threats against civilian targets on the home front. Although you cannot predict an attack, you can prepare for the next one with hard, realistic training.
The company website at www. OPFORmunitions.com has complete specifications for 33 PR-PyroTM munitions and equipment products, and information about PRTC personalized training program for those products.