
CGear provided training to the Chilean Airforce at a military base in Northern Chile.

The pilot charged with landing his helicopter on the CGear LZ expressed doubts about the ‘brown-out’ being eliminated by the Helipad, as he had landed on numerous ‘brown-out’ preventative solutions. No previous solution had provided any benefit, meaning he had to always land blind. His comments were made in a debriefing after landing on CGear’s LZ several times and are summarised below:

Before the flight, the pilot held low expectations for Helimat, anticipating the familiar challenges of dust, rocks, and limited visibility during landing and takeoff based on prior desert experiences. However, his assumptions were overturned when he found himself met with clear visibility in all directions during both landing and takeoff. This clarity was unprecedented for him, marking the first instance of experiencing 100% visibility within a 12-meter perimeter, notably within a 24-meter square landing zone.

Previous attempts in similar desert conditions had often been hindered by dust brownouts, rocks, and foreign object debris (FOD), forcing the pilot to abort landings. In these instances, he had to rely on his crew’s eyesight, navigating through hazardous conditions and risking safety. The crew had often found it challenging to advise on landings due to obscured visibility by dust and rocks, posing safety concerns. However, with Helimat, the pilot operated confidently under continuous 100% visibility, ensuring safety throughout all landings and takeoffs.