
SmartPlanes launched new PPK unit at Commercial UAV show 2016

Smartplanes, a producer of high-end professional drone systems for survey-grade photogrammetric mapping, and Septentrio, a producer of high-performance satellite navigation products, launched a new post processing kinematic (PPK) GNSS unit at the 2016 Commercial UAV-show in London.

"The Smartplanes PPK device is a high-performance, post-processing kinematic GNSS unit that eliminates the time consuming task of establishing and surveying ground control points," said Smartplanes’ CEO Simon Nathanson.

"The Septentrio GeoTagZ software product streamlines the post processing of recorded GNSS data and the geotagging of photos.

The system is capable of generating camera station coordinates with very high accuracy even in challenging conditions," said Septentrio sales manager Aldert Kluft.

In an accuracy assessment study performed by independent geoconsulting experts SCIOR, the average absolute accuracy (RMSE) of photogrammetrically measured point targets was found to be 18mm in both plane and height. The spherical error was 26mm.

The Smartplanes PPK-unit has been tested by operational end-users in North America, Asia and Europe since June and is now shipping to customers worldwide. You can read more about the PPK-unit here.

For more information, contact SmartPlanes:
+46 070 3232543