
The UK MOD has awarded the contract for their new programme providing innovative integration and experimentation in the land environment.

In the Land Open Systems Architecture (LOSA) Research, Experimentation and Development (RED) programme, SELEX Galileo is providing prime leadership and management for a cross-industry delivery team, working in unison with the customer.

LOSA is an open architecture for systems integration and interoperability in the land environment. It brings together the generic architectures under development for soldier, vehicle and base systems. This first phase of LOSA RED focuses on using current assets and resources to show how LOSA can save or conserve resources, whether time, money or manpower, to deliver operational benefit. The results and lessons will then be fed forward into subsequent phases.

LOSA RED will be based around five ‘packages’ comprising Power & Data Interoperability, and Soldier / Vehicle / Base Integration. The set of experiments will be based upon relevant and realistic scenarios and will take place over the first three weeks of October.

"We have carried forward the principles of openness, which are fundamental to the architecture around LOSA, and applied these to provide an open teaming relationship across a diverse set of industries, building on the successful collaboration as Team CASTRUM for the Generic Base Architecture (GBA2) demonstration last year", said Peter Martin, Vice President SELEX Galileo Battlespace Solutions. "This has provided the experimentation programme with a unique opportunity for pan-industry engagement on a scale rarely seen and we expect to demonstrate real results within the first few weeks of the programme getting underway."