
Frankfurt Laser Company, world-leading manufacturer and supplier of laser diodes, laser diode modules and related products is pleased to appoint Laser Optronic as a distribution partner for the company’s operations in the field of medical, industrial and military applications in Italy.

Frankfurt Laser Company General Manager of Marketing and Sales Dr V Mazo said, "FLC is happy to have Laser Optronic on board to carry the line of FLC medical, industrial and military laser products. Laser Optronic is well known in Italy for distribution of laser sources, UV to IR optical components, detectors, E-O and A-O modulators, power meters and positioning devices.

"We look forward to expanding our activities in Italy with the help of our new business partner. Laser Optronic´s market knowledge and technical expertise in the market for Medical, Industrial and Military lasers will certainly be of great value. We expand their possibilities to serve their customers with our product line and we are looking forward to a long and prosperous partnership together."