
Best Factory Awards 2011

Brüel & Kjær Vibration Test Systems (VTS) will be presenting one of the sessions at this year’s Best Factory Awards Conference, running on 27 – 28 March 2012 at Chesford Grange, Kenilworth.

Dr Lawrence Grasty, managing director, and Andrew Turner, head of operations at Bruel & Kjaer Royston, will host a session focusing on ‘agility and workforce ability’ – describing how the vibration test systems manufacturer cut inventory, which resulted in a 50% cut in their lead times.

The Best Factory Awards Conference is an opportunity for guests to learn how the winners of the 2011 Best Factory Awards transformed their businesses.

The winning manufacturers in the 2011 Best Factory Awards all showed how a dedicated approach to continuous improvement and innovation can achieve amazing results.

Brüel & Kjær VTS was ‘highly commended’ at the Best Factory Awards 2011, held in October, last year. The company was a runner-up in the Best Electronics and Electrical Plant category.

Having entered for the awards in March 2011, Bruel & Kjaer VTS was subsequently shortlisted for three categories; Best Electronics and Electrical Plant, People Management Award and Judge’s Special Award.