S M Group, would like to invite you to attend Eurosatory, 2010.
Eurosatory 2010, a biennial International exhibition on Land, Airland and Homeland Defence Systems, will be held at Paris, France from June 14th to 18th, 2010. The exhibition will serve as showcase for innovations and future technologies, bringing together in one place defence experts from around the world and offering industry, politicians, the armed forces, researchers and the media an opportunity to reflect on tomorrow’s defence.
We will be showcasing our major defence related initiatives / activities as enumerated below:
- Boron carbide plates for armour applications
- Combustible cartridge cases for tanks and artillery guns
- Light weight composite armor panels for helicopter/ aircrafts / ships / boats
- All kinds of personal armor like bullet proof jackets, vests, helmets, shields, etc
- Augmenting charge containers for mortar bombs
- Vehicle armoring: up-armored and tactical vehicles
Particularly, we will be launching our “CaraSTOP- Boron Carbide”, one of the lightest material for hard armour applications. SM Group is proud to be one of handful manufacturers in the world of this wonder material.
We shall be glad to receive you at the exhibition.