
SM Group, a company established in 1985, ended yet another year of achievements in 2008 with growth in revenues and an expansion of its product portfolio.

SM Group’s customary success started with the signing of an area partnership agreement between SM Macario – the software division of SM Group – and Danish company Systematic Software to provide mission-critical C4I systems for the defence and healthcare sectors. The two joined forces to produce a battlefield management system for the Indian Army in a contract potentially worth $40billion.

SM Carapace, the armour division of SM Group, became an "eligible and preferred" offset partner for all Indian defence contracts and an approved supplier of armor to all Indian defense forces, with the grant of an industrial license from the Indian Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Dr SC Kansal, chairman of the SM Group, said, "The armor division had a very successful last year; not just in the international market … the company made it big in the domestic sector as well. We are proud to be selected for some of the largest orders placed during the year for bulletproof jackets by Indian paramilitary forces and Indian police forces."

"We also expanded our product line and were granted orders for bomb disposal equipments such as bomb blankets by paramilitary forces and various agencies like Indian Railways. We plan to introduce many new products in 2009, which will allow for higher protection at lower weights."

The Group achieved yet another milestone when it successfully developed and delivered the fully combustible modular cartridge cases for the 105mm and 130mm artillery guns. It also completed the development of the Modular Charge Concept (MCC) for the 155mm artillery gun ammunition (BOFORS).

SM also participated in various defense exhibitions worldwide, such as EUROSATORY 2008, Paris and Defexpo 08 at New Delhi.