
Light equipment based on Polaris 6×6 ATV, flexible & easily transportable, a high mobility for night and day missions.

Designed and developed to carry out all the various stages of the CBRN decontamination operation thanks to the numerous accessories:

  • Prewash
  • Preparation and spraying of various decont solutions
  • Terrain decontamination
  • Personal decontamination
  • Vehicles decontamination
  • Rinsing
  • Filling of the main tank from fire hydrant or others water supply


  • Integrated 200l water tank
  • Able to pulverize different decontamination solutions
  • Two decontamination flows available, double nozzles lance or shower
  • Optimized pump technology
  • Able to pulverize cold water at high pressure (90 bars)
  • Removable ground spraying ramp
  • Electrical generator
  • Remote control
  • Area lighting

Meerkat can also be a multi- purpose vehicle:

  • Sampling
  • Decontamination of sensitive equipment
  • Transport of wounded persons
  • Fire-fighting
  • CBRN recon