
From 19-24 September 2011, Hotzone Solutions once again strengthened its expert position in the CBRN field by delivering live agent training course for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) police force.

The participants came from UAE, with various professional backgrounds, such as the police, airport police and EOD.

During the five-day course, the participants underwent training with chemical warfare agents. The focus of the training course was on safety, protection, detection, decontamination and scenario-based exercises.

The training took place in the Czech Republic at our partner training facility VOP-026 Sternberk in Vyskov. In the course of the week the participants conducted four hot zone entries with blister and nerve agents.

Using the multi-cultural, international experience and expertise of its staff, and supported by Col. Ali Almeqbali, managing director of Hotzone Solutions Middle East (HZSME), the accomplishment of this training and the positive feedback received from all participants certainly reinforces HZS’leading position in the CWA training field.

By successfully completing this course, the participants are one of the very few in UAE to receive training with live agents.

This is a very important step towards establishing Hotzone Solutions Middle East (HZSME) as a focal point for all blue light emergency responder services-BLES- and military CBRN units and services of the entire Middle East.