
Hotzone Solutions Middle East (HZS), in cooperation with Hotzone Solutions Benelux BV, arranged a Basic Live Agent Awareness course for the airport police of Abu Dhabi, from 28 November to 2 December 2011.

The course content was tailored to their operational needs and comprised of protective measures, detection exercises, principles of decontamination and screening of rooms with suspected toxic chemicals.

The exercises were all run in Vyskov, Czech Republic, at the field live chemical agent training facility (FLCATF).

All course participants performed entries into a hot zone, at first with simulants and then with chemical warfare agents (nerve and blister agents).

HZS implemented certain measures to ascertain that the training was run at temperatures that are similar to those encountered in air conditioned buildings, like airports.

HZS also used this opportunity to certify experienced CBRN instructors as HZS LAT trainers.