
On 13 February 2013 the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence (CoE) located in Vyskov, Czech Republic, and Hotzone Solutions (HZS), based in the Netherlands, signed a cooperation agreement with the aim to cooperate in the following activities:

  • Support of CBRN courses
  • Consulting and advice in the area of CBRN Defence, involvement and support of CBRN Reachback
  • Development of JCBRN Defence CoE’s modelling and simulation systems capabilities

In accordance with this cooperation, the JCBRN Defence CoE shall, pending its operational needs and possibilities:

  • Request HZS CBRN subject matter experts (CBRN SMEs) to carry out training and consulting activities under the supervision of the JCBRN Defence CoE
  • Evaluate and provide a written assessment of HZS courses and activities upon the request of HZS, including those carried out at the HZS International CBRN Institute in Belgium
  • Certify HZS courses after evaluation as ‘In compliance with NATO JCBRN Defence CoE standards’

This new cooperation agreement is an example of civil-military cooperation; it will allow HZS to further increase and diversify its training capabilities and services in the field of CBRN incident management.

Please contact Hotzone Solutions to find out more.