
Hotzone Solutions has the pleasure of announcing the opening of Hotzone Solutions USA on 31 October 2013, and welcomes its director, Mr Carl Jorgensen. Mr Jorgensen has more than 30 years’ experience in designing, managing and performing chemical-defence equipment testing and compliance inspections. Mr Jorgensen is a former staff member of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). He also worked with the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). His expertise and knowledge in the CBRNE field will help meet the growing needs and requirements in North America more effectively and efficiently.

While in the US for the opening of the new office, Olivier Mattmann and Taïana Heux, respectively Hotzone Solutions’ CEO and executive assistant, participated in the 6th Annual CBRNE Convergence Congress & Exhibition in San Diego, California, USA from 29 to 31 October 2013. The CBRNE Convergence Congress & Exhibition has the reputation of being "the most important annual meeting for the global CBRNE community" with more than 30 expert speakers from around the world and exhibitions from more than 70 companies specialised in the CBRNE field.

During the exhibition, Hotzone Solutions presented its new generation of chemical warfare agent (CWA) simulants, the recently implemented international CBRNE master courses in protection against CBRNE events, and the various training courses in its training catalogue.
Experts and visitors were particularly attracted by the potential offered by the new generation of CWA simulants. Of particular interest was their added value when used by the first responder community in training exercises with a scenario involving the use of chemical warfare agents, such as mustard gas, sarin and VX.