
Hotzone Solutions

Hotzone Solutions announced today the establishment of a partnership with the Academy of Public Safety and Security (APSS) in Moscow, Russian Federation.

The Academy is a leading Russian public organisation that provides multidisciplinary training and development for managers of private security companies, security guards, private detectives and security services working with industrial enterprises and organisations. The APSS also conducts basic and applied research on public safety issues and provides expert consultants to develop educational programs and organise nationwide regional meetings and scientific conferences.

Recently APSS initiated a new training programme for security guards of industrial and research facilities that produce potentially ecologically dangerous substances, including first response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) threats.

The partnership with Hotzone Solutions will enable APSS to incorporate unique live agent training within their new and existing training programs while providing Hotzone Solutions the opportunity to use APSS designated training facilities in Russia. This partnership will improve public safety and security training, including CBRNE first response in industrial and public areas, providing an additional opportunity to familiarise potential customers in Russia, Europe and other countries with the differences in methodological approaches in the area of public safety and security.

This cooperation will provide for the National Olympic Committees of Europe, Asia and other countries the national specifics of the Russian Federation, to help prepare the safety and security of their national teams, prior to Sochi Winter Olympic Games in 2014. The partnership with HZS complements APSS mission to contribute to Sochi Winter Olympic Games special program on safety and security oriented to Russian national specifics and criminal law.