
From 25 to 29 March 2013, two instructors from Hotzone Solutions (HZS) provided assistance to the Centre d’expertiseSécuritéNucléaire – Nucléaire, radiologique, biologiqueetchimique (CE-SN-NRBC) during a training course conducted at Airbase 120, Cazaux, France.

Hotzone Solutions’ new generation of chemical warfare agent simulants were used during the training.

The training course, which was attended by some 13 firefighters, consisted of theoretical modules and a series of practical exercises, two of which included scenarios dealing with chemical and biological threats.

Hotzone Solutions’ new generation of chemical warfare agent simulants were used during the training. Hotzone Solutions instructors provided training on how to use HZS simulants, prepared or contributed to the preparation of indoor and outdoor practical exercises, and tested the proposed scenarios together with the instructors of the CE-SN-NRBC.

The management team of the CE-SN-NRBC and the trainees expressed their full satisfaction with the professionalism of the two HZS instructors and with the realism of the exercises when using the new generation of chemical warfare agent simulants.