Hotzone Solutions is establishing the International CBRNE Institute (ICI) in partnership with the Town of Les Bons Villiers, Belgium.
The ICI’s CBRNE expertise and knowledge are aimed at assisting national and international experts, relevant international organizations and their staff members, as well as governments and their CBRNE response units in improving their CBRNE knowledge and response mechanisms ‘to newly emerging threats.
The mission of the ICI is to provide basic and advanced CBRNE awareness training courses CBRNE, with special focus on the following areas:
- Preparedness of students for prior toxic entries in live agent training;
- Specialized courses and training for specialists at all levels and from various areas of expertise (police, fire brigade, emergency medical services, military personnel);
- Training on crisis-management operations for first responders;
- Training on toxic industrial material (TIM) and environmentally enhanced preparedness.
No live agent training will be conducted at the ICI;
The ICI experts will deliver specific courses and training for specialists, such as Sampling and Identification of Biological, Chemical, Radiological Agents (SIBCRA), Automated Data Processing (ADP), Warning and Reporting (W&R), Collective Protection (COLPRO), and Reconnaissance.
The ICI also aims at strengthening high-level knowledge within the CBRNE community by participating in international conferences and symposia. Moreover, the ICI will support International CBRNE master’s degree courses for high-level decision makers, which are coordinated by Hotzone Solutions and organized by outstanding international Universities.
Furthermore, the ICI will provide expertise to requesting governments and governmental bodies.
Hotzone Solutions has the great pleasure to announce that the construction of the Institute has started this week. We will keep you informed about the Project evolution on a regular basis.