
Live Agent Training for First Responders

For the first time, nine members of the Belgian Homeland Security and Municipal Fire Brigades participated in practical Live Agent Training for First Responders conducted by Hotzone Solutions from the 19-23 March in Vyskov, Czech Republic.

Both Nerve (VX & Sarin) and Blister (HD) agents were used during practical detection, monitoring, identification and decontamination exercises. They were used indoors and outdoors to underline the behaviour of the chemical agents in different conditions.

A new generation of CW simulants, which have been developed by Hotzone, were successfully used, as a prerequisite, to develop individual techniques prior to the introduction of live agents.

The comments of the participants were very positive, and emphasised the need for further live agent training at a higher level with the personnel protective equipment currently in use within the Belgian Fire Brigades and Homeland Security. Hotzone is ready to meet that requirement and we are looking forward to further participation.

This training also demonstrated Hotzone capability to conduct CBRN training in French and Dutch.