
Hotzone Solutions Group (HZS) is now broadening its business scope to South Asia by appointing ADI Mountvala & Associates as HZS’ sole and official representative in India.

ADI Mountvala & Associates is engaged in consultancy and technology of CBRNE (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive) threat and vulnerability assessments, agent identification and protective systems. The company has wide experience in the evaluation and utilisation of various types of chemical, biological, radiological, explosives, narcotics detection/identification systems, metal/mine detectors, non-linear junction detectors and RCIED jammers.

ADI Mountvala & Associates have also provided technical representation to various other international companies, and are a major supplier of bomb detection and disposal equipment to the Government of India security organisations, including the Ministry of Home Affairs, Special Protection Group, state police forces, and other high-security installations such as oil refineries and airports.

Mr. Mountvala is the founder and technical director of the company and is engaged in strategic security affairs, specialising in issues at the intersection of security and science and technology, especially chemical and biological weapons, terrorism and its implications. He has extensive experience in the technology and utilisation of detection and protection systems for explosives, chemical and biological agents, threat and vulnerability assessments, and the development of hazard management solutions in CBRNE environments.

With this new representation agreement, HZS pursues its determination to position itself as the world CBRN training provider leader.