
Hotzone Solutions (HZS) proudly announces the formation of eCBRN, the world’s most practice oriented eLearning provider in the field of CBRN preparedness and response.

eCBRN was recently founded to combine the practical, theoretical, conceptual and technical expertise required to best meet the eLearning needs and requirements of potential customers in the field of CBRN.

eCBRN, together with HZS, offers top-quality CBRN-related eLearning in an effective, efficient and user-owned manner, ranging from basic to advanced level. Using the multi-cultural and international experience and expertise of its staff, eCBRN can offer eLearning courses in different languages and localised content and design.

eCBRN is determined to use the best combination of content, learning design and technology to successfully deliver eLearning to its customers. In order to achieve this, eCBRN works closely with its customers to select the eLearning model that meets their requirements best, taking into account scope and complexity of the learning topic as well as preferred learning styles.

eCBRN also provides a platform for CBRN experts to establish and participate in an online community and to exchange and share information and best practices.

eCBRN offers CBRN eLearning for first responders, incident commanders, military or law enforcement organisations, law enforcement officers, physical security organisations/specialists and CBRN experts.

Through the launch of an eLearning company (eCBRN is partially owned by HZS), Hotzone Solutions is able to offer the best CBRN teaching and training possibilities for all in a flexible, efficient and cost-effective manner, using state-of-the-art learning methodologies and technologies.