Hotzone Solutions (HZS) is an international training and consulting company founded by a group of former military and civilian NBC defence officers, inspection team leaders and weapons inspectors from United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM), United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
HZS is focused on providing realistic and practical chemical, biological and radiological / nuclear training to the military, law enforcement, emergency response and security communities. Our training is conducted using live CBRN agents, materials and devices and has been built by staff who have been organising and delivering live agent training for OPCW Inspectors since 2005.
HZS staff have experience in delivering training at all major live agent training centres and other relevant facilities worldwide.
Live CBRN agent training
The Hotzone Training for Toxic Entry course is designed for all local, state and federal emergency and security personnel that will respond to possible CBRNE incidents. It is designed to ensure that all potential responders have a common level of knowledge to work safely and effectively in a toxic environment.
Our Live agent courses can be tailored to meet specific customer needs and can be conducted with the use of chemical or biological agents, radiological materials and explosive devices.
The Live Agent Hotzone Training certification is in line with the OPCW standard for the proficiency of toxic entries.
Hotzone training can also be conducted at your location with the use of simulants instead of agents. This provides the possibility to train a large number of personnel in each course.
Incident management tools for NBC emergency responders
Building on a combination of more than 75 years of experience working in toxic environments together with years in software design, development and deployment, Hot Zone Solutions can design and deliver effective software tools to assist emergency responders and medical personnel to perform their role with greater efficiency and cope with the complex task of the Incident Command.
Corporate CBRNE security management services
As the world moves on to higher complexity and higher interconnectedness, its vulnerability to failure of one of these connections rises. Disruption can arise from serious threats, major accidents, or terrorism, including CBRNE. Emergencies and crises challenge organisations or enterprises far beyond the normal level of business activity.
Corporate security management (CSM) describes an ongoing and systematic process to minimize the effects of natural disasters, man-made disasters and intentional threats to tangible and intangible assets of organisations or companies.
Hotzone Solutions offers CSM services in:
- Independent audits of systems and processes
- Security, emergency- and crisis management solutions (development and implementation)
- Staff training, exercises and penetration testing
- On site experts are provided upon request in case of an emergency or crisis situation
Major event support teams for CBRNE protection
As the flagship product of Hot Zone Solutions Security Division, our venue and event protection teams offer on-scene support, to rapidly assess all CBRNE threats, provide initial defensive response and expert liaison with local authorities.
All our major event security personnel have prior experience in the international community and provide a full on-site service from defensive response to sampling, detection and monitoring, identification, on-site analysis, decontamination and patient handling.
Our teams arrive fully equipped and require no external support, and provide a discreet on-site presence to help protect dignitaries, venues, events and event organisers.
CBRN equipment solutions
Building on the background, expertise and field experience of its staff, Hotzone Solutions has the capability to provide equipment solutions tailored to user requirements.
These capabilities have been developed by Hotzone Solutions in the following areas:
- Protection
- Incident command
- Contaminated evidence collection equipment
- Simulants
- Medical surveillance during hot zone entries
- Mobile laboratories
Please note that Hotzone Solutions is not a reseller of equipment and therefore does not act as a competitor to existing distribution networks and local distributors.
NBC equipment testing and evaluation
Hotzone Solutions has extensive experience in the field testing and evaluation of equipment in toxic chemical environments. Our personnel can scientifically test the following types of equipment under field conditions:
- Personal protective equipment
- Detectors and monitors
- Non-destructive evaluation equipment
- Decontamination agents and equipment
- Sampling equipment
- Analytical instruments
Through field testing, Hotzone Solutions can provide reports for equipment manufacturers and distributors and can use field trials to recommend procedures to end-users.