
Argon Electronics (UK) Ltd, the world leader in simulation systems for chemical, biological and radiological detectors, is exhibiting at Milipol Paris between 17-20 November 2015.

The homeland security event has been organised by the French Ministry of Interior in partnership with the Gendarmerie and Civil Defence sectors. Argon’s products will be displayed on the EMD stand (5P103, Hall 5).

The company will be demonstrating chemical simulators, radiation simulators and its newest version of PlumeSIM, a training system specifically designed to meet the need for simulating the detection of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear emissions in both table top and live field exercises.

Argon FH40G-SIM

Argon simulators have a powerful after action review capability, to ensure student performance maintains the highest of standards.

The simulators at Milipol include the AP4C-SIM. Simulating the French Proengin handheld chemical detector, the AP4C-SIM replicates the detection of vapour, aerosols, dust and liquid chemical agents. It can test for contamination, decontamination and persistency of substances such as phosphorus, sulphur and ammonia.

The simulator can mimic the detector’s real-life ability to help differentiate false positives when used with different detector technologies. The device comes with a remote control for the instructor, who then has the ability to control levels of contamination during an exercise or simulate wind, temperature or the battery depletion of the detector. The remote control also allows the instructor to simulate depletion of the hydrogen consumable and changeover process.

Also at Milipol will be the LCD3.2E-SIM, the simulator version of the Smiths Detection compact and lightweight Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TIC) detector, which can be hand-held or mounted on a fixed platform. The training device can simulate wind direction and temperature changes, as well as levels of contamination, decontamination and persistency of toxic substances.

In monitor mode, the LCD3.2E-SIM can replicate detection of traces of nerve, blister, choking or blood agents, and in survey mode, the simulator can be used to train how to check cargo, equipment, facilities and for survey or reconnaissance training.

The FH40G-SIM is Argon’s simulator of the Thermo Scientific gamma radiation detector. It produces realistic response readouts and alarms, and can also be used to provide a practical understanding of how the intensity of measured radiation is proportional to the distance from its source. The FH40G-SIM adds convenience and flexibility to the provision of CBRN training.

It works on the same battery supply as the real survey meter, and requires no preventative maintenance or recalibration. In addition, the FH40G-SIM is compatible with other Argon simulators, permitting multi-detector, multi-isotope training during the same exercise.

All of the Argon simulators displayed at MILIPOL are compatible with the next generation PlumeSIM, launched in September 2015. PlumeSIM comprises a portable system, which enables remote instructor management of a variety of different CBRN detector simulators and multiple personnel, under a fully configurable ‘virtual plume’ in real time and over user-selected mapping.

Argon PlumeSIM

The system can be deployed both in the classroom, where hand-held gaming controllers are used, and during exercise, with body-worn player units, which track location, monitor activity and maintain communication with the exercise’s controller.

PlumeSIM is already in use with the UK, US and Canadian armed forces. European and Asian militaries have also expressed interest in the system.

Argon managing director Steven Pike believes that the application of simulators to enhance CBRN training is increasingly important.

"Realistic, practical, verifiable training is vital from the earliest stages of CBRN school to final certification at combat training centres," he said.

"PlumeSIM improves and enhances the learning experience at all levels of CBRN training."