
Argon Electronics will be taking an extensive range of CBRN response training simulators to CBRNe Convergence 2013 in San Diego, California in October and demonstrating how they enhance both the quality and safety of CBRN training. The latest Argon innovation, RIIDEye-SIM-NaI-P, a simulator probe for the Thermo RIIDEye, will be on display and visitors will be able to see live demonstrations of the simulator in use throughout the event. PlumeSIM®, Argon’s award-nominated wide area CBRN / HazMat field exercise and table training system, for which the company recently received a multi-million pound contract from the UK MoD, will also be on show at the conference.

PlumeSIM® allows multiple trainees to be managed and monitored from a computer at a central location. The PlumeSIM® software enables users to plan exercises on a PC or laptop without system hardware, offering a portable simulation system with easy-to-use menus that can be swiftly set up and used to create a diverse variety of virtual emergency scenarios. PlumeSIM® was recently recognised as a commended finalist at the Counter Terror Expo Excellence awards, and will be the only product of its kind on show at the conference.

Argon Electronics managing director Steven Pike said, "The CBRN calendar is full of exhibitions that showcase the knowledge, passion and determination to develop solutions for what is a global issue.

"CBRNe Convergence is another outstanding example and year after year it draws experts and professionals with one common aim – to help make the world a safer, more secure place from CBRN threats".

Recognised as one of the highlights of the global CBRN exhibition calendar, CBRNe Convergence brings together delegates, speakers and experts from across the world. Key issues facing CBRN experts and decision makers are discussed and the latest technology designed to aid in this fight is demonstrated.

Attendees of the exhibition will be able to find Argon at Stand 30. For non-attendees, Argon will be tweeting live from the event.