
The oil and gas sector is susceptible to terrorist attacks in the Middle Eastern countries. After the sale of 20 aunav. MEGA robots a few months ago and its good results defending and protecting Saudi Arabia’s large industrial infrastructures, which has gained the Saudi Government’s approval, they have extended the contract through the acquisition of two more MEGA units developed by the Spanish company.

The successful results of the Spanish aunav.MEGA robots of PROYTECSA SECURITY, has proven its great utility protecting the oil and gas industry in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, the Arabian Saudi Kingdom governmental project for the defence of its critical infrastructures has recognised Proytecsa’s good work by acquiring two aunav.MEGA, which are added to the 20 units from the previous contract signed a few months ago with the country’s government. These robots, developed and produced by the Spanish company, take care of the need to protect critical infrastructures generally, such as oil and gas industry, power plants and waste-water treatment in the Arabian country.

The Spanish designed and produced Aunav. MEGA robots are fitted with a crane arm that enables them to reach objects at a distance of up to eighteen metres, and comes with a pin whose strength is more than 7t. Due to its great accuracy, a correct response is guaranteed when dealing with situations such as search, surveillance or the presence of any kind of improvised explosive device (IED) in extensive industrial areas. The long range of its crane arm enables it to operate at the top of oil tanks or their pipes. Among its great variety of skills, it has the ability of manipulating by remote control from a safe area a suspecting object located inside a compound.

In particular, the oil & gas industry represents the main economic source in the Middle Eastern Countries. Their importance in the growth of a country and the fact that there are no physical security systems in their compounds, make them critical infrastructures that must be protected against any terror-ist attacks, accidents or natural disasters.

PROYTECSA SECURITY has consolidated its position as the main producer and supplier of CIED (Counter IED), EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) and CRBN (Chemical, Radiological, Biological and Nuclear) robots for the different Spanish Security Corps. This has been a major boost to open up new markets in the foreign trade.