
PROYTECSA has launched a new project to develop an explosive ordnance (EOD) / improvised explosive device (IED) robot powered by a hydrogen cell.

This scheme will allow the firm to increase its robot range, as well as improve efficiency and reduce impact on the environment.

The developments are partially financed with an EEA Grant.

There are eight main goals to the project:

  • Develop a new robot with a battery range of more than eight hours in order to perform tasks outside the envelope of present remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs)
  • Integrate a full cell in the robot to supply the energy for all movements
  • Reduce the energetic consumption of the vehicle and therefore increase the
  • -Make airfreight of the robots easier, hydrogen cells are inert and do not need any
    certification for their transport
  • Increase the capabilities of the robot range designed by the company
  • Increase PROYTECSA’S presence in new markets to seek to reach an enhanced international visibility of the company

To carry out the project, PROYTECSA have the collaboration of the Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon.

The firm want to face new challenges, and thanks to its research and development department, PROYTECSA continue to develop new technologies for its products.

New developments allow the company to progress in its field, which improved the capabilities of its range of products.

The Foundation for the Development of New Hydrogen Technologies in Aragon is a private non-profit entity whose aim is to promote projects encompassing hydrogen as an integrating and complementary vector to the existing energy technologies.

The organisation develops strategic projects related to renewable energies, energetic efficiency, and the electric vehicle, among others.