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SubSea Craft


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Advanced Maritime Technology Solutions for Defence Applications

SubSea Craft (SSC) is an entrepreneurial advanced maritime technology business.

Belvedere Point,
1a Alexandria Park,
Penner Road,
United Kingdom

SubSea Craft (SSC) is an entrepreneurial advanced maritime technology business. The company offers VICTA, a ground-breaking Diver Delivery Unit (DDU), combining the characteristics of a Long-Range Insertion Craft (LRIC) with those of a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV).

Furthermore, it offers collaborative opportunities with partner businesses against exacting requirements as well as providing capabilities and services to meet a client’s needs.

Diver Delivery Unit for Maritime, Joint and Special Operations

SubSea Craft’s core output is the VICTA Class DDU, a state-of-the-art surface submersible craft that enables the discreet delivery and recovery of divers at range. VICTA is optimised for the defence market however, there is acknowledged potential in the energy and leisure sectors.

SubSea Craft’s main solution is the VICTA Diver Delivery Unit.
The VICTA’s can be deployed from various platforms, such as standard shipping containers and helicopters.
The company tests and evaluates new products and technology, including breathing apparatus and life support.

The vessel effectively combines the speed and range of a Long-Range Insertion Craft (LRIC) with the low-profile stealth and capacity of a Swimmer Delivery Vehicle (SDV) to deliver divers on or beneath the surface.

A cutting-edge fly-by-wire control system enables rapid transition from surface to sub-surface, reducing exposure and thus lowering the potential for compromise whilst enabling potential autonomous operation in the future.

With a flexible cargo arrangement, the craft typically accommodates two crew (pilot and co-pilot) and six operators. With a 25nm submerged range and a common life-support system supplying four hours of air, it is designed around the operator and delivers mission-ready operators and their equipment at range.

Compatible with a standard shipping container, VICTA offers the potential for embarkation in any contemporary surface platform with modular mission-bay fittings.  It can be carried underslung by standard heavy-lift helicopters and embarked within the cargo bay of a standard air-transport.

VICTA can manage a surface speed in excess of 30kts (dependent upon sea-state) with a surface endurance of c250nm whilst its sub-surface performance sees an endurance of 25nm and a maximum speed of 8kts.

VICTA’s control system features an advanced multiplex controller is based on Controller Area Network (CAN) technology, minimising pilot work-load and providing a common helm in both surface and sub-surface domains.

Navigation is by GPS and inertial systems supplemented by radar and sonar and the craft employs an advanced obstacle-avoidance sonar. Basic diagnostic and status information is relayed about the cabin by simple visual displays.

Surface power is provided by a Seatek 725hp diesel unit, marinized to enable its safe and economic performance, through a Kongsberg Kamewa water-jet whilst a pair of 20kw Copenhagen thrusters deliver sub-surface propulsion.

The craft is currently being fitted out at SubSea’s Havant headquarters before starting trials and testing later in the spring at the company’s Portland Trials, Testing and Training facility.

Testing and submersible capability development

SubSea Craft works collaboratively with other companies and agencies to aid the development of capability, testing and evaluating new products and technologies such as life support and sub-surface communication.

Furthermore, the company offers additional services including maintenance and training programmes, as well as tailored consultancy services, complex project management, leadership, and specialist engineering services.

White Papers

  • VICTA Diver Delivery Unit

    Throughout history, Commanders have dreamed of a craft able to travel on the surface before diving to approach a target unseen. That dream is now a reality.

SubSea Craft
Belvedere Point
1a Alexandria Park
Penner Road
United Kingdom