
The website created by FN Herstal has just been set up. Developed to complement the corporate website (, it provides users with simple, fast access to the high-tech solutions developed within the FN® e-novation product range.

This range integrates electronic hardware and software into small caliber weapons features three products:

QQ FN® Expert is a solution for basic marksmanship training and tactical marksmanship shooting in improvised indoor or outdoor installations. FN® Expert is used with simulated or service weapons by dry firing, blank firing or live firing. Shooters and instructors have a solution for basic marksmanship training that is simple, safe and effective.

QQ FN® SAM is composed of the FN SmartCore® shot counter and dedicated software to optimise the organization of workshops and armories and provides a real-time overview of the condition of each weapon and the entire fleet.

QQ FN® FCU Mk3 is a fire control unit that applies state-of-the-art electronics to enable accurate firing of 40mm grenades day or night even in difficult conditions. User-friendly and compatible with all platforms including smartphone, PC, and Mac, the new website provides intuitive navigation thanks to a simple design and rapid search features. The site is destined to evolve over time, it will later enable brochures, tutorials, FAQs, newsletters and other useful information sources to be accessed and downloaded.