As the Internet of Everything (IoE) rapidly advances, the growing internet connectivity also increases the risks posed by cybercriminals. These malicious actors can exploit the internet to carry out harmful activities. To address this issue, NovoQuad Group has developed the ND-IM005 Standard Wi-Fi Interception System, designed for police operations and detecting information leaks within office premises, government agencies, and other locations where Wi-Fi access is available.
ND-IM005 comprises two main modules: the Cracking Module (Penetrator) and the Interception Module (Interceptor). The system operates in either Passive (monitoring) or Active modes. In monitoring mode, the operator can view all network users – whether they are connected, working, or not connected – within the system’s coverage area. This allows for the creation of a database that includes MAC addresses, signal levels, and access points of users.
The Cracking Module enables the system to break the passkey of encrypted 802.11a/b/g/n networks (WEP, WPA, WPA2-PSK) and features a sophisticated word list (dictionary) generator. It can collect BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification) MAC addresses of nearby wireless access points, broadcasting channels, and a wide range of additional information, including signal strengths and details about connected clients or hosts. Meanwhile, the Interception Module provides coverage of up to 50 meters indoors and up to 100 meters outdoors, allowing simultaneous monitoring of up to four Wi-Fi networks.
With ND-IM005, law enforcement officials can effectively monitor Wi-Fi networks, ensuring a safer cyber environment.
In addition to its Wi-Fi Interception Solution, NovoQuad Group, a leading innovator in the security and defense industry, is committed to providing cutting-edge and high-tech solutions. Using advanced anti-drone technologies, the company offers a variety of systems tailored to different needs. These Anti-Drone Systems include ND-BU001 Standard, ND-BU002 High-End, ND-BU003 Passive, ND-BU004 Base Security, and ND-BU005 Advanced Passive, which incorporate advanced detection, jamming, and tracking technologies for extensive drone defence. NovoQuad Group also offers stand-alone anti-drone equipment, such as Anti-Drone Radars, RF Detectors, Jammers, Camera, and the GPS Spoofing System. For portable use, the ND-BD003 Handheld Anti-Drone System combines detection, countermeasures, display, control, and power supply in one device, featuring a built-in RF detector to streamline operation and improve counter-drone effectiveness.
Another key product line is See Through Wall Radar Systems, which utilize advanced through-wall technologies for long-range detection and high-resolution display. ND-SV003 See Through Wall Radar System uses UWB technology to provide real-time data, enabling operators to detect and track individuals behind walls with exceptional clarity. For enhanced mobility, the ND-SV004 Portable See-Through Wall Radar System and the ND-SV009 Portable 3D See Through Wall Radar System offer 2D and 3D through-wall imaging for flexible rescue and security operations.
For more information regarding Wi-Fi Interception, Anti-Drone and See Through Wall Radar Solutions, please contact NovoQuad Group at info@nqdefense.com or directly through “Make an enquiry” at the top of this page.