New mobile clean room surgical tent system OP-RC 1a – Exhibited at the 20th International Defence Industry Exhibition, 3-6 September 2012 in Kielce, Poland.
Even in extreme climates, the mobile system OP-RC 1a, supplied by Weiss Umwelttechnik, provides clean-room conditions for surgical operations – just like in a conventional operating room.
The system solution comprises quickly and easily installing and uninstalling tents and mobile air conditioning and filtration systems. Due to its extraordinarily small transport volume, it is highly mobile and perfectly adapted to the requirements of essential military and disaster equipment.
It is designed for temperatures between -40°C and +60°C and withstands humidity, snow, sand, storms and extreme climates.
The OP-RC 1a system has been tested and certified compliant to DIN 1946-4-2008-12, Annex B, Visual Pre-check and to DIN 1946-4-2008-12, Annex C, Measurement of protection degree.
Components of the certified clean-room system solution include a spacious surgical tent (8m x 6m workspace) with integrated air distribution and a laminar-flow plenum as well as two extra tents (8m x 6m each) used as airlocks and room for technical equipment. The airlock system is able to keep an overpressure against atmosphere in the surgical tent of 100 Pa to 200 Pa.
The mobile air conditioning and filtration systems supply fresh air filtered by an integrated two-stage filter arrangement. They are installed outside the tents and are connected by insulated air hoses to HEPA filter boxes (as 3rd filter stage), which are placed inside the airlock tents.
Re-circulating air modules equipped with HEPA filters are also installed in the airlock tents. Together with the fresh air supply, they provide over the integrated air distribution system the laminar-flow plenum with the required air volume and very clean air at a highly consistent temperature.
This air will be distributed by the laminar-flow plenum inside the surgical tent at a very steady air velocity.
The laminar-flow system is not made of metal but of a special fabric stabilised by the air flow. It weights as little as about 38 kg and has a footprint of 3.2m x 3.2m when fully inflated.
The entire tent system is easy to clean and to disinfect,and the laminar-flow system can be further sterilised to up to 130°C.
A special panel heater system engineered by Weiss Umwelttechnik support and improve the air flow from the laminar-flow system particularly at low outside temperatures.
A very easy-to-operate control and service unit placed inside the surgical tent is used to regulate and control the entire Clean Room Surgical Tent System, OP-RC 1a.
For further information, please visit us at the 20th International Defence Industry Exhibition, September 3rd-6th 2012 in Kielce, Poland.