
Medical Coaches Inc., in partnership with Siemens Medical Solutions, recently delivered a brand-new Biograph Six-Slice Mobile TruePoint PET/CT to the Cleveland Clinic Hospital in Cleveland, Ohio. The Cleveland Clinic was recently voted as the number one heart and heart surgery hospital in the United States by US News and World Report and number four for America’s best hospitals.

This is the second PET/CT mobile unit delivered to the Cleveland Clinic by Medical Coaches and Siemens Medical Solutions. The first coach was delivered in 2005. The Cleveland Clinic decided to upgrade the PET/CT system at their main site and move the older unit to another facility. This custom-built trailer houses some of the most-advanced equipment used in early cancer screening detection and will help to provide services to the Clinics nine community hospitals and over 20-plus health screening clinics throughout the Cleveland area.

The Cleveland Clinic has found that they are able to move more efficiently and economically delivering this life-saving diagnostic tool when mounted in a mobile unit. Patients are not inconvenienced by unnecessary travel, and diagnostic information is now more readily available to local physicians.

The Cleveland Clinic is one of hundreds of medical clinics in the United States who utilize a Medical Coaches’ trailer with Siemens’ PET and PET/CT systems.