
Losberger RDS decontamination unit integrates all necessary decontamination elements and all accessories to run the system. The main advantages of such a solution are : mobility, total autonomy, simplified handling, reduced staff, easy storage. This decontamination unit is uable to decontaminate 30 persons per hour in the case of CBN injuries (chemical, bacteriologic and nuclear). These shelters can be connected to inflatable tents for use by fire brigades.

The decontamination unit can be moved and deployed easily with a truck. All accessories required are stored into the back section of the unit (water heater, flexible tank, power generator, lights, feed and evacuation pumps, etc…). The decontamination section itself is made by:

  1. Undressing area
  2. Spraying and washing area
  3. a cleansing area
  4. Drying and dressing area

The undressing and dressing areas are separated by PVC curtains. The shower cycles are managed by an automaton.