
Virtual expansion into new worlds

From the beginning of this year, the Kaercher Futuretech website is now also available in Arabic. Following the German, English, Spanish and French versions introduced to the Internet in the last two years, the adaptation of the site to the Arabic language presented a special challenge for the programmers and web-designers. The compatibility of Latin and Arabic characters and the user interface, which is aligned from right to left, are particular features of the newly created site.

Already since December 2005, visitors have been able to enter the virtual Kaercher Futuretech world. Current news, innovative product information, videos, exhibition reviews and much more are features of the re-designed website which was modernized at the end of last year.

Other language versions are under construction: for example, this year the site will also feature a Russian language service. “We consolidate our worldwide network by a continuous worldwide web appearance which undergoes a constant refinement process,” states internet project leader Nicole Reichert who places strong emphasis on the use of increasingly important online communication for the Kaercher Futuretech brand.