
Electrothermal will be on the Bibby Scientific stand at ACHEMA 2012 to showcase our latest products, along with those from our Bibby family brands of Stuart, Jenway and Techne.

We are located in Hall 4.2: Laboratory and analytical techniques, Stand D35.

2012 has been a busy year to date for Bibby Scientific, with several innovative new products being launched for all four brands, including:

  • Electrothermal’s new IA9000 series and Mel-Temp Melting Point Apparatus, and Integrity 6 reaction station with new accessories
  • Techne’s new Prime thermal cyclers and PrimeQ real-time PCR system
  • Jenway’s Genova Nano three-in-one spectrophotometer and 6850 double beam spectrophotometer with variable bandwidth
  • Stuart’s new hotplate stirrer and mini-stirrer

ACHEMA takes place every three years and is the major world forum for the chemical, environmental and biotechnology industries. It is a tripartite event, combining a large exhibition, congress of 900 lectures and a host of associated activities, and has become the recognised global summit for scientists, developers and users from all process industries.

Running from 18th to 22nd June in Frankfurt, ACHEMA 2012 is expected to attract around 4,000 exhibitors and 180,000 visitors from 100 countries.