
STIM210 is a small, lightweight and low power, ITAR-free, tactical-grade gyro module with one, two or three gyros.

The STIM210 gyro module is now set to address applications requiring shorter startup time. The time to valid data from power-on is improving from five seconds to one second, which will open areas of previously limited use. Selected lead-customers have started to implement the new solution, and it will be available to the general market by early 2017.

The STIM210 gyro module is closing the performance gap to FOG (fibre optic gyro) and it is a powerful alternative to current solutions in the market. STIM210 is today in regular production in applications such as UAVs, man and vehicle portable target acquisition systems, land navigations systems, turret stabilisation, remote weapon systems, GNSS denied navigation, camera systems, space crafts and satellites, DIRCM and airborne surveillance radars.