
stim210 gyro

STIM210 is a small, lightweight and low-power, ITAR free tactical grade gyro module with one, two, or three gyros.

STIM210 with its new functionality now offer user access to 65 continuously monitored parameters inside the sensor system. This feature improves system integrity and ensures access to reliable gyro data in safety-critical applications. Safety is a growing concern among users and regulators in several industry segments, including the UAV, and the user can now continuously monitor the gyro system in greater detail.

Linearity of the gyro is also improved. This parameter improvement in particular helps applications that relay on STIM210 for turning feedback of a system.

The STIM210 gyro module is closing the performance gap to fiber optic gyro (FOG) and it is a powerful alternative to current solutions in the market. STIM210 is today implemented in applications such as UAVs, man and vehicle portable target acquisition systems, land navigations systems, turret stabilisation; GNSS denied navigation, camera systems and several satellites in space.