GPS + inertial + camera + LiDAR + baro-altimeter = a very precise measurement, right? Not when the respective sensor output timings lack proper synchronization. Only when each piece of data carries an accurate time tag can they together enable optimal performance in multi-sensor fusion systems.
A free webinar on August 31 explains how an inertial measurement unit (IMU) assembles and delivers precise timing information, typically at a much higher rate than the co-integrated GNSS receiver.
Attendees will learn how correct synchronization of this data across the system is critical to performance in the application, particularly in high-dynamic conditions, challenging environments and autonomy.
An acknowledged expert in the field, with more than 30 years of cutting-edge experience in multi-sensor R&D, opens the discussion with an examination of the internal workings of the IMU and how the user can access timing information within it for ultimate advantage. A specialist in IMU design and fabrication then explores the advantages furnished by the latest micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) technology and how the customer can best utilize options furnished within the IMU.
Finally, an engineer focused on industrial inspections examines the IMUs role in successful application, discussing the critical aspect of synchronization of the different sensors within an IMU – GNSS integration. Challenges and solutions related to timing and design integration of multiple sensor inputs for pre- and post-analysis will be covered.
What you’ll gain from this webinar:
• An understanding of IMU architecture
• Knowledge of the timing construction process inside the IMU and how it is synchronized across the system
• Inside access to this critical timing data
• Special considerations with respect to timing in the IMU
• Instruction on use of various options within the IMU
• An appreciation of timing error impact on application performance