These days, robotic system designs create multiple demands on connectors and cable systems to not only be smaller, but to also carry their weight in gold as it relates to overall ruggedness, reliability and design flexibility.
These new connector types and cable assemblies must fit into some of the most unimaginable spaces and configurations, while offering the designer both signal and current sources for miniature servos and motors of all types and sizes.
Fortunately for today’s designer, many design options are available, even within a Nano-miniature connector footprint such as Omnetics Hybrid Nano-D offering. You just need to know where to look.
In a design template such as this, dedicated power lines can be isolated in order to handle higher current source requirements, leaving the remaining low-level signals and feedback lines for robotic elements such as: maneuvering and general robotic controls.
Omnetics’ Micro and Nano-miniature connectors have matured along with the robotic industries, and if Military and Space technologies have taught us anything, its that ‘man can remotely control or pre-programme equipment to serve his environment.’
This Hybrid Nano-D option, as well as other Omnetics standard and customised connector configurations, require very little space and offer designers some of the smallest footprints on the market today.