
Device-ALab, a Europe-based specialist of high-quality infrared cores, are pleased to introduce IrlugX1M3™, a SXGA uncooled LWIR camera core. This camera is part of the 12µm IrLugX™ family, which uses shutterless technology.

Device-ALab is one of the first companies in the world to embed the new Lynred SXGA 12µm sensor ATTO1280 in one of its camera cores. SWAP products are our area of expertise and this camera core corresponds perfectly thanks to its amazing compactness (35x35x31mm3).

The outstanding resolution enables detection systems to be more efficient: they benefit from an improved DRI (Detection Recognition and Identification) and farther elements can be seen. This feature makes the camera extremely useful for several applications, such as long-range observation and surveillance. Considering its discretion, it could also be embedded in a UAV or even in handheld devices.

When x1.3 = x4 … Do the math!

“With a 1280×1024 pixels resolution for a 35x35x31mm casing, IrlugX1M3 is hardly bigger than our smartIR640, and yet, its resolution is four times as high as it, hence our formula a little bit cryptic”, explains CEO Daravan Ly.

Innovation and low-noise products

We use the latest core technology, which allows us to offer a high-performance camera with exceptional accuracy based on the latest Lynred sensor (ATTO1280 12µm microbolometer sensor).

We are literally the 1st company in the world to commercialize a camera with a high-quality image for that an optimized sensor. The key of our success lays in our knowledge in the design of low-noise electronics.

This preserves an excellent NETD rating (Noise Equivalent Temperature Difference, the lower it is, the more accurate the camera).

Keep up with our latest news

IrLugX1M3™ is available for purchase and we have already taken orders for engineering samples. In the following months, we will release the same sensor in an engine core setup (i.e featuring embedded processing system), IrLugX1M3E™.

About us

Device-ALab is a French company specialising in infrared imaging. We excel at designing and manufacturing uncooled infrared camera cores. Our customers benefit from a high-quality client support as well as a short delivery time since our products are 100% European.

Our company is structured to address small to middle volumes of standard and custom products in the following application markets: defense, security, industry, healthcare as well as leisure and smart cities.