
Curtiss-Wright’s Defense Solutions division today announced that it will add support for Intel’s Trusted Execution Technology (TXT) to its TrustedCOTS™ (TCOTS™) hardware and software capabilities for protecting critical technologies and data in deployed embedded computing systems.

Intel® TXT provides hardware-based security technologies, built into Intel’s silicon, that harden a platform against attacks to the Hypervisor, Operating System or BIOS, malicious root kit installations and other software-based attacks.

Support for Intel TXT will be available on a select range of Intel processor-based single board computers (SBC) and digital signal processors (DSP) included under Curtiss-Wright’s TCOTS Initiative, which includes open-architecture products, dedicated personnel, and comprehensive processes and services designed to protect critical data and technologies.

"As a leading supplier of open architecture COTS modules and systems for deployed defence applications, Curtiss-Wright is more frequently being called upon by our customers to help them address rapidly expanding and increasing requirements for anti-tamper (AT), cybersecurity and information assurance (IA) capabilities," said Lynn Bamford, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Defense Solutions division.

"We are pleased to announce that we have added support for Intel’s Trusted Execution Technology to the comprehensive range of TrustedCOTS hardware and software techniques and technologies that we offer our customers to help them ensure the security of critical systems deployed worldwide."