
Dewey Electronics, a leading provider of military diesel power generation systems, reported the receipt of a three year subcontract to integrate a JP-8 fueled, fuel cell based, 10kW auxiliary power unit (APU) for military ground combat vehicles. The prime contract was awarded by the US Army’s tank automotive research, development and engineering center (TARDEC) to the Altex Technologies Corporation for a base total of $5.2m, with potential contract options totalling an additional $7.9m.

Dewey Electronics has been awarded a ‘not to exceed’ subcontract with an approximate value of $1.1m by Altex Technologies (up to $4.3m if the US Government exercises all contract options). Dewey is part of the team comprised of Altex Technologies Corporation, SerEnergy, and Pennsylvania State University. Under this subcontract, Dewey will design, develop, and package the control system electronics and the power electronics. Dewey will also integrate the SerEnergy fuel cell technology with Altex Technologies’ JP-8/diesel fuel reformer technology into the APU by September 2013, followed by ground combat vehicle integration and testing under the contract options.

“This is an exciting project where we continue to leverage our experience with highly reliable, rugged, power management and generation systems, military grade electronics controls, and advanced alternative energy technologies,” stated John Dewey, president and CEO. “The Altex Technologies subcontract is an example of how we have aligned ourselves with strong partners in order to compete for a wider variety of contracts to fully utilise our expertise. This includes capitalising on our decades of design and manufacturing expertise in power generation, control electronics, and in-depth understanding of military requirements.”