
More than 50 representatives from NGO’s, Foundations, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Embassies of different nations participated in the first Trunz Water Day on the 22nd September 2010 in Steinach/Switzerland. The event took place in the new Trunz Technology Center in Steinach.

Ralph Hangartner, CEO is very happy about the huge interest in the innovative products. “The Trunz Water Day is a
perfect platform for networking. On one side, to connect experts in drinking water supply in developing countries and
people from countries with water deficiency – on the other side to present our concepts and products.” Ralph
Hangartner points out that Trunz Water Systems not only supplies innovative products. “Our business includes more
than the production and installation of equipment. In order to operate in a sustainable way, we involve all
stakeholders and deliver only if we can rely on well established and experienced local partners. By following this
business policy we make sure that enough attention is paid to the maintenance of the water treatment systems and
to the education of the local population.”

The participation of representatives from different countries all over the world and the active exchange of experience
shows the big demand for drinking water supply in developing countries.

In the morning, two real and implemented case studies illustrated the work and the approach of Trunz Water
Systems by photo documentation. After lunch the guests were introduced to the solutions of Trunz Water Systems in
three stages by live demonstrations and presentations. Lars Willi, Area Sales Manager, elucidated the Water Shop
concept – water is being sold at an affordable price to finance the purchase and maintenance of the units – as well
as the SOS-Water-Supply-Concept for application in disaster relief. In the “Techno-Park” which also belongs to the
facilities of the Trunz Technology Center Ralph Hangartner showed a typical, decentralised, independent and solarpowered
water treatment system for areas with no infrastructure. Such a unit includes solar panels, a power center,
the water treatment plant and also the storage and distribution of the purified water. Peter Wochele, Director
Technical Department, presented at the third station of the circuit the Trunz Water Trailer: a mobile, on a trailer
mounted and solar-powered water system – an independent unit for disaster relief and military application.
Finally, the guests had the chance to discuss different ideas, opinions and challenges in the implementation of
development projects within a panel discussion.