DSA organisers are preparing for the largest Defence Services Asia (DSA) event held to date. The 14th bi-annual event is expected to attract more than 26,000 visitors from over 48 nations and will run from the 14th to 17th April 2014 at the PWTC in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
This will be the fifth DSA that Barrett Communication has exhibited at and this year it will be showcasing its tactical HF, VHF and interoperability solutions in a tactical signals detachment scenario at stand 3146 in Hall 3. The company’s business development team will be available to take visitors through the interactive display and provide further information on the complete Barrett Communications range of solutions.
Barrett Communications business development manager Mr Dave Ewart said, "I know our current clients are keen to see our display and to speak with our Business Development team about how our new interoperability solutions complement our existing products and offer extended capability. I also believe all visitors, involved in tactical communications, will be engaged by the field scenario and the HF and VHF capability Barrett offers."